It is with pride that we announce that two K7 researchers will be presenting at the AVAR 2017 international security conference to be held in Beijing, CHINA next week.
Raja Babu Annamalai (Research Team Lead, K7 Threat Control Lab) and Georgelin Manuel (Software Developer, K7 Engineering) will be presenting their research work at the prestigious 20th chapter of the Anti-Virus Asia Researchers (AVAR) conference on malware antibodies and the use of machine learning algorithms for malware detection.
Since 1998, AVAR has been playing a significant role in curbing the spread of viruses worldwide. It is a non-profit organization concentrating on the eradication and prevention of cyber damage that has been caused by malicious code across the globe.
For the past 19 years, and counting, this annual conference has been considered as one of the most “authoritative technology exchange” conferences in the cyber world. The organization consists of delegates from around 17 territories within the Asia-Pacific region and worldwide. The main theme of this year’s conference is “Back to Basics: Fighting the Evolving Cyber Criminal”.
Our K7 researchers will present as follows:

  1. Raja and Georgelin, are presenting their research work on how the concept of “malware antibodies” can be used to develop a prototype for adaptive immune response to threats. This is a framework for generating proactive protection for threats instantly, on premise, adapted to an enterprise’s specific environment. This framework also enables each enterprise to have its own definition of “malicious” with a corresponding set of on-demand malware antibodies. The metadata that is extracted and processed for antibody generation does not leave the enterprise’s environment, unless a strictly optional cloud extension is enabled. The presentation will also include a live demo of the PoC for the framework.
  2. Georgelin, who is passionate about data science, also has an individual research presentation focusing on the detection of powershell threats with the help of a combination of machine learning and traditional methods. The presentation also covers the pros and cons of various detection mechanisms, backed by research and analysis results. Finally, the presentation explores the efficacy of relatively new additions to the Windows security ecosystem such as the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI).

The AVAR conference is not just for virus and threat researchers. Instead it is also very much relevant to the technical needs of corporate businesses, IT professionals, students, educators, and all those who look forward to ensuring safe and secure computing. The event is expected to welcome over 300 experts and scholars from more than 100 cyber security enterprises from over 20 countries and regions around the world.
To know more on the event proceedings, do catch up with us on our security blog.

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